AP Macroeconomics Free Response Questions 1999 – 2017 by topic
FRQ # 1
FRQ # 2
FRQ # 3
Phillips Curve, Policy Mix, AD/AS, FOREX
Money Market, Monetary Policy
Production Possibilities Curve, Economic Growth

 Phillips Curve, Monetary Policy, Economic growth, FOREX

Multiple Deposit Expansion

Trade, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, PPC

AD/AS, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Growth

Trade, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage

Interest Rates, FOREX

AD/AS, Loanable Funds, Economic Growth, Fiscal Policy

Multiple Deposit Expansion, Monetary Policy, Money Market

Inflation, FOREX

AD/AS, Loanable Funds, Economic Growth, FOREX, Balance of Payments
PPC, Fiscal Policy, Discretionary Stabilizers
Phillips Curve, Long-run adjustment, Interest Rates
PPC, Monetary Policy, Money Market, Interest Rates, FOREX
Multiple Deposit Expansion
AD/AS, Long-run adjustment

 Phillips Curve, AD/AS, Monetary Policy, Long-run Adjustment

Loanable Funds, FOREX 

Bank Balance Sheet, Multiple Deposit Expansion, Money 

AD/AS, Phillips Curve, Automatic Stabilizers, Loanable Funds, Long-run Adjustment

FOREX, AD/AS, Monetary Policy

GDP, Inflation

AD/AS, Fiscal Policy, Long-run adjustment, Loanable Funds, Economic Growth
Money Market, Bond Market, Monetary Policy
Balance of Payments, FOREX
AD/AS, Phillips Curve, Loanable Funds, PPC
Monetary Policy, Multiple Deposit Expansion, Money Market, Inflation, Interest Rates, FOREX
Determinants of AD/AS
Phillips Curve, Real Interest Rate, Monetary Policy, Money Market, AD/AS
FOREX, Loanable Funds, Economic Growth
Multiple Deposit Expansion, Inflation
AD/AS, Phillips Curve, Fiscal Policy, Long-run Adjustment
Multiple Deposit Expansion, Inflation, Money Market
FOREX, Loanable Funds
Phillips Curve, Budget, Multipliers, Loanable Funds, Growth
Balance of Payments, FOREX
AD/AS, Fiscal policy,Loanable Funds, FOREX
Trade Barriers, Balance of Payments
GDP, Inflation
Money Market, FOREX, AD/AS
Monetary Policy, Multiple Deposit Expansion, Nominal v. Real Interest rates
AD/AS, Money Market, Long-run adjustment
Loanable Funds, Growth
Balance of Payments, FOREX
Money Market, LoanableFunds, Nominal v. Real interest rates
Unemployment, Phillips Curve
AD/AS, Long-run adjustment, LoanableFunds, Growth
Multiple Deposit Expansion
AD/AS, Monetary Policy, Nominal v. Real interest rates
Loanable Funds, FOREX
Phillips Curve
Policy Mix, AD/AS, Phillips Curve
Loanable Funds, FOREX
AD/AS, Monetary Policy, Long-run adjustment
Interest rates, FOREX
Multiple Deposit Expansion
AD/AS, Phillips Curve, Monetary Policy, Supply Side
Balance of Payments, FOREX, interest rates, investment
AD/AS, Policy Mix
AD/AS, Fiscal Policy,Loanable Funds, FOREX, Growth
Phillips Curve
Policy Mix, AD/AS
Balance of Payments, FOREX
AD/AS, Policy Mix, FOREX
Consumption & Saving,Loanable Funds, Growth
Balance of Payments, FOREX
AD/AS, Fiscal Policy, Supply-side, Growth
Interest rates, FOREX
Multiple Deposit Expansion
AD/AS, Fiscal Policy, Investment
Money Market, AS/AD
Interest rates, FOREX, AD/AS, Policy Mix
GDP, Growth

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